La Chouette Cruises
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Discover France the quiet way. Come for a holiday cruise on La Chouette and we'll show you a unique way of experiencing France and the French.
La Chouette is a luxury charter barge immaculately fitted out for just six guests and run by her owners, Bob & Bobbie Marsland.

Our aim is to help you have a holiday to remember. Relax on board as we take you along the tranquil waters of a canal and river system steeped in history. Sleepy waterside villages will unfold their secrets to an enquiring explorer. Majestic chateaux will enthral the visitor. And the warmth of welcome you will receive from the friendly local people will captivate you.

If you feel the need to
exercise we have mountain bikes on board. Go for a ride along the tow path, or further afield to discover an off-the-beaten track village or monument, or just take a gentle stroll. You can meet up with La Chouette further along the waterway. At the leisurely pace we cruise we are never far away.

The French take their food and wine very seriously and so do we. On board La Chouette you will dine royally. We'll also take you to our own selection of restaurants as we believe that is the sure way to enjoy the French way of life.

We welcome you on board La Chouette as our personal guests and hope you will enjoy being with us.
All breakfasts are taken on board. Lunches on board consist of a selection of home-made soups, quiches, salads, patés and cold meats and a variety of regional cheeses. Five course dinners are of the highest quality, showcasing Bobbie's delicious home cooking. Different wines accompany each meal.

Sample Menu on board

Luncheon Dinner
Cucumber and Dill Soup Roasted Red Peppers
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Smoked Salmon Olive Tapenade and Tomato
Egg Mayonnaise Flan ~~~~~
Mixed salad Leg of Lamb with a red Wine Sauce
Crusty French Bread Minted New Potatoes
Brie de Meaux Seasonal Vegetables
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Fresh Fruit Selection of French Cheeses
Baked Peaches with Vanilla Ice Cream
Coffee and Chocolates
Restaurant Meals

Luxury Barge Holidays in France and Belgium